Sunday, February 21, 2010

When Parliament Resumes: The Opposition Needs to Take Charge


Bill Bell said...

Thank you for these insights, Dr Laxer. I can only hope that many Canadians see this.

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Anonymous said...

Agree absolutely with your views.

I am not so sure, however, that the opposition has what it takes to see this through. They (albeit it was relatively more Iggy/Libs than the other parties)let Harper get away with the first prorogation to escape a certain vote of no confidence. The MSM also failed to criticize that first prorogation, as they should have, and as they are now criticizing the second one.

If Harper is allowed him to get away with defying the will of Parliament a second time, we might as well shut down Parliament and rename ourselves CONADA, which would be our version of a banana republic of the North. Why bother pretending that we are a Parliamentary democracy? lol

Filostrato said...

Harper just ignores laws and treaties that get in his way - Kyoto protocols, U.N. resolutions on child soldiers and indigenous rights, campaign spending laws, gun registry - the list goes on and on.

He's stacked the Senate, as Dr. Laxer has mentioned, with his cronies and has put us into a structural deficit that will hobble us for decades, if not forever.

He also never lets a chance pass by to denigrate Canada and Canadians when he is out of the country.

As for the fawning simper he affected when commenting about Canadian generosity to Haiti, you can be sure very little of that money came from his supporters.

The man is destroying the place. These latest trade deals with the U.S. are just another way to facilitate our absorption into that broken country.

Isn't plotting your own country's destruction treason?

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that my great Canadian neighbors to the north resist, this insidious attitude of our leaders, to act above our laws. More and more their arrogance prevails! We have to have solidarity between us citizens,both in the U>S>A> and Canada!!!

Anonymous said...

me and my wife have been researching 2012 for about 2 years now and have allready started planning they say by 2010 you will see it in the sky and i think thats about the time we will have everything ready we are looking to start a survival group or if anyone else has one that we can join let me know ill check back later thanks
]stop frighten
[/url] - some truth about 2012

Anonymous said...

Great video; btw, you should do more of these video-blogs.

Anonymous said...

[ ... ] link is being shared on Twitter right now. @zenx, an influential author, said RT @1ndus: Xtreme [ ... ]

Anonymous said...

Where is the debait about the huge expenditure on military arms? in the coming budget? with the large deficit, do we need a 19.2 billion dollars for arms.?

Anonymous said...

Well, now, thank you Dr. Laxer for adopting my suggestion/humble request for closed captioning of your videos!

Much appreciated.

Your views are always thoroughly thought out and presented.

from: Your humble fan in Alberta.

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