Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beyond the Bubble Lecture Part V


Unknown said...

Excellent. Finally a well delineated outline of the current set of problems at the heart of Canada's political economy along with some very credible solutions. I am grateful for academics who are able to apply their knowledge in a comprehensive yet very understandable way to the momentous issues of our time and place.

Bill Bell said...

Extremely helpful series. Thank you, Professor Laxer.

Kim said...

Thank you sir, for an opportunity to access higher education. As a person who has experienced too many years of "McJobs", I could not afford to attend your lectures. I can't believe that the Harper Government, or the BC "Liberals" could not see this coming. Therefore, they are lying to us. I can't wait to see your lecture on Proroguing Parliment to avoid questions on policy!

Kim said...

(sorry, parliament)

John Hepworth said...

Thank you for your excellent lecture on the economy and the Meltdown. It’s great to get so much lucid information about the situation presented so concisely and calmly. I more or less stopped following Canadian politics ever since Harper prorogued parliament last year and the CBC’s “At Issue” panel on The National thought it was a great idea (I haven’t bothered watching The National ever since !!) so your update was especially welcome. The bleaker the future is looking (and it sure is !!) the greater the need becomes for precisely the sort of clear headed, intelligent analysis and perspective/overview that you provide here; getting people to THINK about the mess we’re in and then to realize that getting good government is now virtually our only hope.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it