Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Canada Should Pull Its Troops Out of Afghanistan

Canada should pull its troops out of Afghanistan. The West’s mission there is no less a “march of folly”, to use historian Barbara Tuchman’s phrase about the U.S. war in Vietnam, than was the Soviet attempt to impose a regime in Afghanistan with its invasion in 1979. The Soviet invasion was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Empire. Sixty years earlier, in 1919, the British decided that their own imperial effort to dominate Afghanistan was doomed and they recognized Afghan independence and withdrew to the other side of the Khyber Pass.

In our day, the United States is involved in an unwinnable struggle for hegemony in Iraq, Afganistan, and much of the rest of the Middle East and Central Asia, from which Canada should stand aside.

In Afghanistan, Canadian forces are not engaged in peacekeeping. They are involved on one side in a civil war. While Canadians have been rightly proud of this country’s decision to stay out of Iraq, they have paid insufficient attention to the fact that the former Liberal government drew us ever more deeply into Afghanistan. The mission now entrusted to Canadian and other coalition troops in southern Afghanistan, under the command of Canadian Brigadier-General David Fraser, is no less a war mission than the campaigns being fought by the British and the Americans in Iraq.

When President George W. Bush paid a surprise visit to Kabul this week, he spoke, as always, of his determination to prosecute the war on terror. The so-called war on terror is really a struggle in which the United States and its allies are attempting to impose their hegemony on a large part of the world. (The rejoinder that the Americans had to invade Afghanistan to retaliate against the attacks of September 11, 2001 is a non-starter. They had as much reason to invade Saudi Arabia from which much of the financing of the attacks and most of the hijackers came.) In the process, the values that are most dear to us, democracy, human rights, equality for women, freedom of speech and the right to publish our thoughts are being preached in a contest that has little to do with any of these. In many regions of the world, democracy, freedom and human rights are seen as cynical slogans, Orwellian double-speak, mouthed by those who want oil and other natural resources, and the strategic pathways, such as Afghanistan, that lead to these resources.

In 1900, Mark Twain wrote a warning about phony humanitarianism that rings true today. “I said to myself,” wrote Twain about the American intervention in the Philippines a century ago “here are a people who have suffered for three centuries. We can make them as free as ourselves, give them a government and country of their own, put a miniature of the American constitution afloat in the Pacific, start a brand new republic to take its place among the free nations of the world. It seemed to me a great task to which we had addressed ourselves.”

“But I have thought some more, since then…and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem”

“And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.”

If Canada and the other western powers pull out of Afghanistan, what will be the consequences for that country? The struggle involving the government in Kabul, the remnants of the Taliban and regional warlords will continue. At the end of the civil war, the regime that emerges is unlikely to look much look a democracy that practices human rights. It could even be a fascistic theocracy. On the other hand, the presence of western powers, perceived in this region of the world as the forces of imperialism, will never succeed in imposing a western-style system in the country. For centuries, the Afghans have shown an ornery tendency to throw out foreign invaders. And when, years from now, the people of the West decide to pull out of Afghanistan, withdrawal at that late date could leave an even more battered country and an even more tyrannical regime in its wake.

In the 19th century, the Europeans thought it was only natural that their empires should rule much of North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In the 21st century, the Americans have not yet learned that this is folly, although recent public opinion polls in the U.S. suggest that the truth is dawning on them.

Not least, Canadians should pull their troops out of Afghanistan for an old-fashioned, even politically incorrect, reason. It is not in our interest to put our young men and women in harm’s way in a struggle that will not be won.


Anonymous said...

Ya mon, pull those troops out, let the Americans do what they wish, but save the Canadians! Get rid on Harper and peace will follow

Anonymous said...

decoin you are wrong, so is the other post. However, I not sure, we are going to win this War on Terrorism, maybe we should think about how to make peace with the Taliban. A pull-out of afghanistan maybe, I not sure however.

The Mound of Sound said...

We might as well leave because we're sure as hell not there to win. We don't have nearly enough people in Kandahar to do the job just as NATO fields but a fraction of the numbers needed in the country. We're neither trained nor equipped for counter-insurgency and we have utterly no answer to the problem of sealing off the Pakistan/Afghan border. The future of this country and this insurgency is just one issue in a region aflame and full of them. What happens in Afghanistan will inevitably reflect what happens in Iraq, Pakistan, even Iran. This is a regional vipers' nest and we have blinders on in Kandahar province.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Canada has already contributed too much to Afghanistan to pull out now. If we pull out now, we're just leaving all of the others behind. We'll look weak. Canada wants to be viewed as a committed nation as well, not one that will back out when the going gets tough. We'll leave when the job that we went there to do is done, not slinking out a back window.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Canada has already contributed too much to Afghanistan to pull out now. If we pull out now, we're just leaving all of the others behind. We'll look weak. Canada wants to be viewed as a committed nation as well, not one that will back out when the going gets tough. We'll leave when the job that we went there to do is done, not slinking out a back window.

Anonymous said...

my bad

Anonymous said...

please take a minute to get informed. Anyone who for a moment thinks that fighting the terrorists will win anything is sadly mistaken. If Canada wants to be strong and noble then go defend other helpless people in one of the other 30 oppressed nations where we are there on behalf of the people, not the US administration. Bush's cronies have taught Harper well the games of spin and lies and how to control the public perception.


Anonymous said...

You're right, we should pull out of Afghanistan. I mean, just because the vast majority of the country is happy and doing very well, we should only pay attention to the minority in the South who want NATO out. Those few suicide bombers and persons who place IED explosives have voices that outweight the millions of others who want NATO to stay. Come on people, if they really wanted us out, they would throw us out. Deaths could be in the thousands, not the 50's. If they could kick out the Soviet Union during the Cold War, they could easilty defeat an under-manned NATO force, the majority of which refuse to leave their bases.

Anonymous said...

A resounding YES! Get Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and do it know. Steven Harper and his tribe are naive,sycophantic and dangerous!

A Proud Canadian said...

It is interesting to note that the majority of messages call for the withdrawl of Canadian Forces from Afghanistan.

Do these people know or remember why Canada sent troops were sent there to begin with. Do they not remember the mass public executions held by the Taliban when they assumed power. Do they not remember women whom held professional positions in Afghanistan being hearded into the sports stadium and being murdered in front of the spectators in the hope that all would learn where womens correct place was. Yes - under the Taliban regime women are to be seen and not heard. They are to have no say in any public affairs; they are not to hold any professional jobs. They are only to be seen, not heard and serve man. The schools are for boys and men only, not girls or women.

If you truly believe in Taliban docterine please step back into the 1st century AD and go to the Roman games - you will fit right in.

PS: Do not tell your wife or girfriend you agree with or condone Taliban philosophy; in all likelyhood they will disagree with you.

I for one would rather confront the Taliban in their own country and not here on our own shores. For it is their goal to eventually spread their beliefs to other countries. Unfortunately reading many of these posted messages I find there is a great amount of Canadian apethey which Taliban followers will find highly encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Although I do not personally agree with the subjugation and murder of women. I am not willing to hold a gun to someones head and force them to act in a certain way because that would make me a terrorist, would it not?

Theta Sigma said...

The issue here is that we - our government and our people are KILLING CIVILIANS.

We have been censured by Amnesty International and OUR CANADIAN SOLDIERS are breaking the rules of war.

Since we are not AT war, this American style excuse for our behavior is not acceptable.

The afghans do NOT want us there.

Anonymous said...

For all of you who want to portray Canada as being a peace loving, never fighting, tree hugging country, you need to learn our history before blurting out what the liberal teachers have told you. Canada has been involved in many wars, had plenty worse casualties than in Afghanistan. "Cut and run" i heard someone say, i find this pathetic, i'm sure the US and Britain would be there the whole fight if we needed the support. I believe we should continue as we did in WWI and II, we were loosing more men in ONE battle than we have in 6 years in Afghan, yet you treat it as its some tradgety, not to lessen the brave men and women who have fallen. What i'm trying to say is stop trying to change our image, soldiers join the military for the soul purpose of what they are doing, so stop, just please stop.
God Bless Our Troops, and The Real Canada

Anonymous said...

Cowards! Learn the lessons of history. In WWII, Chamberlain and Daladier tried to avoid conflict with evil - and we all know how that turned out. If we are supposed to be a peacekeeping nation, then it is our responsibility to finish what we start. Y'all say it can't be finished - Lindenberg said that the Luftwaffe was unstoppable and inadvertantly helped Hitler with his propaganda. That kind of talk only works to help the enemy by spreading fear. You can never make peace with the Taliban without offering them unconditional surrender. Harper is just like Churchill; he's the only one who sees reason in a world of cowards and fools, and we hate him for it.

al said...

War is a human passtime and as such must be accomodated. It is an old human activity. One day in the future it will be visited on us here in Canada. It can not be avoided.

Anonymous said...

Leave? never man if we left then all the other countries there will get totaly screwed over and so will afghanistan. "We must cut and run" the gayist thing i have ever heard, we would look like such big pussies. since we have troops there we should finish the job and then leave. If America was in a civil war (again) im sure both sides would love it if someone came and helped them.

Anonymous said...

Im neutral on this topic, because i see it from both sides, im younger than a lot of you probably are.. but i understand the issue. I can see both sides, and if it were up to me, i dont know what id do. On one hand.. canada doesn't have a valid reason to continue what has been happening, we should not stay to fight, we should either move the willing inhabitants into reserves or just leave, let the americans, the ones who started the war, finish it. but on the other hand, canada does have the chance to help, even if it will be at a high cost. we were the most feared allied force in ww1, they sent spies to tell the germans that the canadians were coming, as a way to move the german army out of an easily defended region, knowing the germans would fear a battle against the canadians. i stay neutral but those are my views..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As usual the Canadian propaganda machine is in full form. First Afghanistan is not the only country that Canada has been in that has not been peacekeeping. Most of our Peacekeeping missions have and are not peacekeeping at all. To understand this one has only to do study the true agenda behind the United Nations. This is an evil organization and the government of Canada is well aware of this. Then if you have taken the time to study the UN then research NAFTA (Sheila Ann Clark) and find out what the real reason for NAFTA is. NAFTA will never bring anything good to this county, never, and again the government of Canada is very well aware of this. There are currently plans under way to diver water from northern Canada to the United States and again the government of Canada is very well aware of this and when confronted, the government of Canada denied this. This government has lied to us for so long it has become common. From Mulroney to NAFTA the government of Canada has sold this country right out from underneath us and in coming years this well become apparent with the North American Union (NAU) and we have all been lied to, deceived and cheated by the media which is controlled by big business and the government. And as far as terrorist, give me a break; the only terrorist are big business and politicians willing to prostitute them selves for monetary gain. There are two reasons why we are in Afghanistan one is oil and the other is poppies. You are most likely saying this guy is off the wall. Think want you want and go through life thinking Canada is some kind of peacekeeping machine. Canada is no more a peacekeeping force than the USA. The only difference is propaganda. The Canada governments are experts at telling us lie’s and getting away with is. Wake up Canada, our flag is about to be lowered for good!

Anonymous said...


I am not willing to hold a gun to someones head and force them to act in a certain way because that would make me a terrorist, would it not? that logic a policeman using his weapons in self defence is a terrorist?

a terrorist, by definition, is someone who's will is to create terror, by any means necessary.

disallowing somebody else of harming others is NOT will to create terror, it is the will to take ascertive control of a ruined situation. and which is also what canada is currently attempting in kandahar.

oh and anyone who parralels the afghanistan mission with harper, remember who was in power in canada when the mission began.

a liberal who temporarily supports Stephen Harper

Anonymous said...

To the person who said that Afghans do NOT want us there, I'd like you to hear what an Afghan really thinks about Canadians being there. I am an Afghan who has been to Afghanistan and I know from first hand experience that the Afghan people WANT and NEED the Canadians.

Anonymous said...

We leave the country goes in the shitter...that's what will happen lets face it.

Taliban are in mountains, hiding, waiting till we leave. Then they'll come back into the towns, gather all the men and kill them. Rape the women.

I don't want that to happen, I don't think anyone does...but its naive to think that it will not if Canadians pull out.

Be real people, lets help these people, lets try to make a difference...

Anonymous said...

(In response to all the "finishing what we started bullcrap...")
We should have never even gone to War in the first place. Let the Americans use their own flesh and blood as weapons or objects to try and solve a problem that cannot be solved. No matter what, the women and child and civilians lives will be lost. Sounds like the result of a war to me. So, suck it up people because whether we stay or leave people will die. It's leaving that will save us billions of tax payer's money and it's leaving that will allow our troops to come home and it's leaving that will allow the CIVIL war in Iraq to be dealt with accordingly by the groups that started it. We are in the middle of a fight and sometimes it is necessary to back down. I don't call that "weak" I call that using your brain. There is no job to finish, if you consider murder a job. You know why it's called a civil war? It's because it's between TWO SIDES OF ONE COUNTRY, not the US,Canada and the two sides. There are more than one way to help people, killing and
fighting and STAYING is the cowards way out. Fighting is easy, it only takes money, thinking is hard, it takes time.

Anonymous said...

My only real question to this is why the hell are we making it our responisbility.

Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and their kids pay for it.

Here is my first principle of foreign policy: good government at home.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I believe everyone made these comment hadn't been in Afghanistan. I just return a few moment ago, and I do agree with the people who made comments about Canadian soldiers shouldn't be there. If we continue we won't have any military left to fight if anything happen to our own country.
People that thing otherwise maybe they should sign up and go over.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did everyone just ignore the Anonymous person 10-12 messages ago that said that Canada is not peacekeeping, we are there to steal oil and to protect the poppies that our government deals?
Does no one even consider the actual truth? All of you just shy away from the truth and keep thinking that this has to do with protecting people! Our government is EVIL! All governments are evil, they have never thought of the common man or of canadian citizens, why do you think that they steal money from us with taxes, taxes that are rising beyond belief. We should pull our troops out of Afghanistan, not that we (the people) choose, the government does, which means that they aren't planning on that anytime soon when they have trillions to earn from Afghan oil and the poppy fields.

Anonymous said...

But we the people DO choose...or, at least we are supose to choose. We are a democracy and right now the majority of Canadians want the troops to withdraw from Afghanistan. If we were truly a democracy dont you think the government would have done that? Or is this just an allusion for controlling canadians. Canada is not free...the government rules and yes the government's intentions are cruel and selfish. The real reason the USA attacked Afghanistan was because they thought Osoma Bin Laden and the Al Queda were behind 9/11. WHAT PROOF HAVE THEY GIVEN US?! We the people just follow what we are told and never ask questions. The Taliban were willing to hand Bin Laden over if they could provide evidence that Bin Laden had anything to do with it, but instead of negotiating with them the US attacked Afghanistan. In fact, it was the United States that actually caused the 9/11, we attacked outselves and blamed it on Osoma Bin Laden who isnt even an Afghan, he is an Arab. One of the main reasons that US troops are in Afghanistan is for drug trade. Since the states have taken over the fields it has increased ten fold of the production. 75% of the worlds heroine is from Afghanistan. We the people are blinded and the only way we can change it is to wake up...wake up from all the lies and propaganda. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Gordie Canuk said...

This is all just part of the Great Energy Game, while in Imperialstic days it was the Silk Road now its about pipeline routes.

If we really gave a shit about Afghani women and the broader issue of human rights, then we wouldn't enjoy friendly relations with so many countries that abuse them.

But telling ourselves we're over there for humanitarian reasons makes us feel good about ourselves, so belly up to the Kool-Ade pitcher and drink til you're full.

I've posted a couple of blog entries about this myself on

Keep up the good work James, put a link to your site on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Im a canadian, prouud to be but Canadian troops shouldn;t be in Afhanistan, GET THE HELL OUT OF AFGHANISTAN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

afghans dont want help, then y r we there????? get out!!! stop killing innocent peopl!!!

shit stain said...

canada should not fight the diaper heads!!!!:)

shit stain said...

canada should not fight the diaper heads!!!!:)

Obama said...

Bin Laden For Prez !!!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

i like men

Werner said...

Yeah we are helping Taliban #1` duke it out with Taliban #2